Easy implementation with copipe!9 selection of line and horizontal line design made with CSS [slope / dashed line / section]

Recently, you often see on the homepage of startup, i'm popular site of completion of one page.
There are a lot of making to separate the sections by changing the color normally, but do you want to make a difference with other sites if you take great pains?

This time, I will introduce the design that can easily adjust the break of each section by CSS.
Because I published from the stylish one to the unique one, I got tired of a usual design!Please take it in by all means.

SVG Section Divider Design CSS

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SVG section dividers, embedded with Data-URI & colored with SASS by rinaw (@rinaw)
on CodePen.

SVG Section Divider Design CSS2

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SVG page separator by Alexandr Kazakov (@alexandr-kazakov)
on CodePen.

Diagonal, slanted section-delimited design CSS

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Slanted Sections by Adam Quinlan (@quinlo)
on CodePen.

Wave-like horizontal horizon divider design CSS

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Waves Content Divider Using CSS by CMDW (@candra-shauddinlah)
on CodePen.

A wide variety ofSeparator CSS

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Row Separator by Emanuele (@emared)
on CodePen.

Scallop-style page separator CSS

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Responsive Scalloped Page Dividers (using CSS gradients) by chilli con code (@chilliconcode)
on CodePen.

Section-delimited CSS with alternating white and purple slopes

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Responsive Skewed Page Dividers (using CSS gradients) by chilli con code (@chilliconcode)
on CodePen.

Rainbow dashed lines to speed up with move & mouse over

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Rainbowy Dashed Divider by Simon Goellner (@simeydotme)
on CodePen.

Colorful vertical lines are stylish animation separator CSS

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Vertical divider – colored and animated by joehanna (@joehanna)
on CodePen.